
Paleo-Climate Events of the Last Millennium in Iran Joint Collaboration between Iran and China (2024)

Paleo-Climate Events of the Last Millennium in Iran Joint Collaboration between Iran and China (2024)

Geometry, kinematics, and archaeoseismology of the Khazar Fault System in Northern Iran, the southern Caspian Sea

Geometry, kinematics, and archaeoseismology of the Khazar Fault System in Northern Iran, the southern Caspian Sea

Programme de bourses de courts séjours scientifiques France-Iran « Développement durable et Santé »

Programme de bourses de courts séjours scientifiques France-Iran « Développement durable et Santé »

Tethyside Orogenic System in Iranian Plateau & The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, approach: Deep Machin Learning

Tethyside Orogenic System in Iranian Plateau & The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, approach: Deep Machin Learning

Paleoseismological Analysis along the Astara Fault System (Talesh Mountains, North Iran)

Paleoseismological Analysis along the Astara Fault System (Talesh Mountains, North Iran)



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