
Infrastructure and flow chart of the chair

This scientific and cultural event presents an opportunity for networking and collaboration, fostering an international network of research centers and fifth-generation universities. Understanding the significance of this event in obtaining the UNESCO World Chair, particularly in leveraging the UNITWIN university network, can catalyze advancements in geological sciences and instill hope within the geological community.

The UNITWIN program is essential for capacity building in higher education and research, promoting knowledge exchange grounded in international solidarity. UNESCO's strategy for developing scientific institutes focuses on enhancing South-North, South-South, and multilateral cooperation. Academic and research institutions, alongside NGOs and public-private partnerships, play a crucial role in advancing higher education. The UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis (CGHA) aims to develop an education and research network on geohazards, particularly in seismic coastal regions, leveraging international support for knowledge sharing and capacity building. Its establishment serves as a competitive initiative to label integrated geo-hazard research sites, with the primary objective of:

  1. To create new operational conditions for translational research in coastal geology to enhance and accelerate knowledge production.
  2. To promote the dissemination and application of this knowledge in coastal hazard assessment and sustainable development, thereby increasing community resilience along shorelines.

In alignment with UNESCO's strategy, the primary objective of this Chair is to effectively develop a scientific network and foster international cooperation. The UNESCO Chair at CGHA is anchored by an international scientific council and a national executive council. The scientific council is tasked with strategic policies, spiritual and facilities support, and fostering convergence and integration across the academic, educational, and research sectors, in line with UNESCO’s mission. This chair benefits from the structure and backing of a globally recognized scientific community, including members from Australia, Japan, China, Russia, Armenia, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, and Iran.

The executive council and its specialized subcommittees will focus on various tasks, including International Affairs, Education, liaison with universities, Research centers and UNESCO Chairs, Publication, Data Center and Websites, and a subcommittee for researching the implementation of policies approved by the Scientific Council. Their responsibilities encompass internal and external networking, attracting spiritual and financial support, visa services, logistical facilities, management, and executive support aligned with each subcommittee’s mission. Additionally, they will compile an annual training calendar and periodic reports in accordance with UNESCO standards. The executive council comprises the chairman, the secretariat, the steering board, and specialized subcommittees. The board of directors, led by the executive director, will develop policies regarding methods and timing while supervising the subcommittees to achieve the goals set by the Scientific Council.

The Secretariat will facilitate communication among the executive council members and specialized committees both internally and externally. Since its official announcement on December 3, 2021, the UNESCO Chair has made significant progress, developing a roadmap and fostering collaborations through MOUs with research and academic centers, scientific associations, the private sector, and official media. This effort has contributed to a growing network of education-research cooperation beyond Iran's borders, suggesting the potential for agile structures. The evolving global landscape of education and research aligns with national laws and UNESCO standards in the 21st century, a period marked by rapid changes in humanity's attitude toward knowledge, technology, and the very concept of literacy.

The Executive Council and its specialized subcommittees are dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that aligns with the evolving demands of both local and global educational frameworks. This commitment is underscored by an emphasis on strategic planning and adaptable methodologies, which are crucial for addressing the diverse challenges presented by our rapidly changing world.

The subcommittee on International Affairs will play a pivotal role in expanding the Chair's outreach, facilitating collaborations with international institutions and networks. It will actively engage in establishing partnerships that not only enhance the Chair’s visibility but also contribute to the broader discourse on education and research on a global scale. The Education subcommittee, alongside its liaison with universities, research centers, and UNESCO Chairs, aims to bridge the gap between educational institutions and practical applications of research. By fostering innovative programs and initiatives, it will promote an academic environment that encourages the synergy of knowledge creation and dissemination. This subcommittee will also spearhead the development of workshops and training sessions, ensuring that these offerings adhere to UNESCO standards and respond to the evolving needs of students and educators alike.

In the realm of Publication, the subcommittee will be tasked with elevating the Chair's contributions to scholarly discourse. By publishing research findings, policy recommendations, and articles, it will disseminate knowledge to a wider audience, ensuring that the insights generated from the Chair’s activities are accessible to all stakeholders. This effort will be critical in establishing the Chair as a thought leader in the field of education and research. The Data Center and Websites subcommittee will serve as the digital backbone of the Chair’s operations, managing data collection, analysis, and presentation. By maintaining a robust online presence, it will facilitate knowledge sharing, provide resources, and promote transparency in the Chair’s activities. The strategic use of technology will allow for enhanced communication and collaboration among all stakeholders involved. The subcommittee for Research on the Implementation of Policies Approved by the Scientific Council will be vital in assessing the effectiveness of established policies and their alignment with the Chair’s mission. This group will utilize evidence-based evaluation methods to provide insights and recommendations for continuous improvement, ensuring that the Chair remains responsive to the changing landscape of education and research. Internal and external networking will be a primary focus, as this subcommittee will work diligently to cultivate relationships with various stakeholders, including governmental bodies, industry leaders, and community organizations. By fostering these connections, the Chair will enhance its capacity to attract spiritual and financial support, as well as logistical facilities necessary for successful project implementation. The management and executive support subcommittee will play an essential role in overseeing the daily operations of the Chair. By compiling an annual training calendar and periodic reports, it will ensure that the Chair's initiatives are effectively communicated to all members and stakeholders, fostering a culture of accountability and transparency.

In conclusion, the Executive Council and its specialized subcommittees are poised to navigate the complexities of the 21st-century educational landscape. By aligning their activities with UNESCO standards and embracing the rapid advancements in knowledge and technology, they will not only contribute to the global dialogue on education but will also empower individuals and communities to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

3D infographic in UNESCO Chair

The figure illustrates the flow of activities related to the UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis at the Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran. Here’s an interpretation of its components:


1. **Central Components**:

   - **Scientific Council**: This is likely the main advisory body that oversees scientific activities and research initiatives.

   - **Secretariat**: Acts as the administrative hub, coordinating activities and communication among various stakeholders.

2. **Flowchart Activities**:

   - **Executive Superior Council**: This body likely provides high-level oversight and decision-making for the Chair's activities.

   - **Sub-Committee**: A specialized group that may focus on specific tasks or projects within the broader framework.

3. **External Connections**:

   - **International Affairs**: Indicates engagement with global partners and initiatives.

   - **Universities/Chair Linkage**: Suggests collaboration with academic institutions to enhance research and training.

   - **Training**: Focuses on educational programs and capacity building.

   - **Research**: Highlights the core activity of conducting studies related to coastal geo-hazards.

   - **Publication**: Refers to disseminating research findings through various channels.

   - **Website and Database**: Indicates the importance of digital resources for sharing information and data.


Overall, the flowchart emphasizes a structured approach to managing activities related to coastal geo-hazard analysis, showcasing collaboration among various entities and the importance of research, training, and communication.



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