Paleo-Climate Events of the Last Millennium in Iran Joint Collaboration between Iran and China (2024)

Paleo-Climate Events of the Last Millennium in Iran
Joint Collaboration between Iran and China (2024)

Sampling of ancient trees on the slopes of the Alborz Mountains and examining suitable wetlands in Mazandaran Province aimed at studying the paleo-climate of the last millennium was successfully conducted in collaboration with the National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, the Research Institute of Earth Sciences, the UNESCO Chair in Coastal Geological Hazards, and the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Academy of Sciences, China.

This survey took place from August  26  to August  29, 2024, and included Dr. Razieh Lak, Dr. Hamid Nazari, and Dr. Alireza Vaezi, faculty members of the Research Institute of Earth Sciences, along with Dr. Hamid Alizadeh, a faculty member at the National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences.




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