The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. 

In the 07/18/2023 edition:


AI-basedmeteorological model serves accurate global weather forecasts

By Xinhua News Agency on Jul 17, 2023 03:28 pm
AI-based meteorological model serves accurate global weather forecasts 


The ongoingmarine heat waves in U.S. waters, explained

By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Jul 17, 2023 03:07 pm
NOAA scientists have tracked a steady climb in ocean temperatures since April 2023, which is causing unprecedented heat stress conditions in the Caribbean Basin, including waters surrounding Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico. 


Europeanheatwave: what’s causing it and is climate change to blame?

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 17, 2023 03:05 pm
Europe is currently in the midst of a heatwave. Italy, in particular, is expected to face blistering heat, with temperatures projected to reach 40
to 45. Theres even a chance that the current European temperature record of 48.8 could be surpassed. 


How the 1978flood led to Delhi strengthening its embankments

By Live-Mint/Hindustan Times, HT Media Limited on Jul 17, 2023 02:51 pm
The flood in 1978 in Delhi led to the construction of higher embankments and additional bunds, which have protected the city from subsequent floods 


What causesmudslides and floods after wildfires? Hint: It’s not what scientists thought

By University of Southern California on Jul 17, 2023 02:45 pm
Researchers believed a waxy coating in burnt soil caused water to run over the ground’s surface. They now find that burnt ground can absorb water, findings that can help them more accurately predict flooding and mudslides after a fire. 


Indigenouscommunities face harsher effects from wildfire smoke

By Globe and Mail, the on Jul 17, 2023 02:42 pm
Indigenous people, not only in Canada but also globally, live in closest proximity to nature and, of course, with nature comes forest. 


Extreme weatherthreatens the best-kept art of the ancient Silk Road

By Washington Post, the on Jul 17, 2023 01:55 pm
Changing weather patterns in northwest China are putting ancient Silk Road cave murals and statues at risk, new research has found, underscoring how a warming atmosphere threatens some of the country’s most precious historical artifacts. 


Researchersreveal rising compound risk inequality to aging and extreme heat wave exposurein global cities

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Jul 17, 2023 01:18 pm
Prof. Chen Mingxing's team has revealed the increasing inequality of the compound risk of aging and extreme heat wave exposure of global cities under future scenarios. 


How do weimprove urban early warning and early action for food security?

By Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Loveline Phillips on Jul 17, 2023 10:11 am
Improving availability and access to early warning information is one of the seven global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and is also a key focus of many agencies, including the World Meteorological Organization and USAID. 


Have your say tobuild a European Network on Climate Change Adaptation

By TransformAr on Jul 14, 2023 03:48 pm
TransformAr has recently launched a new questionnaire to build a European Network on Climate Change Adaptation by identifying relevant stakeholders. 


Living near thefire – 500 million people worldwide have active volcanoes as neighbors

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 14, 2023 03:18 pm
The thought of living near an active volcano probably sounds like an unimaginable risk to you – and rightly so. An active volcano is never safe and can turn a forested hillside into a lifeless wasteland in a matter of seconds. 


Climate changeis increasing stress on thousands of aging dams across the US

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 14, 2023 11:56 am
Heavy rainfall in the Northeast on June 9-11, 2023, generated widespread flooding, particularly in New York’s Hudson Valley and in Vermont. One major concern was the Wrightsville Dam, built in 1935 on the Winooski River. 


Finding climatesolutions for Ethiopian farmers

By United Nations Development Programme - Headquarters on Jul 14, 2023 11:40 am
Nestled in the Horn of Africa, in the eastern part of Ethiopia is the region of Harari, known as the midlands for its semi-arid rolling hills with terraced farms. 


What this year’sEl Niño means for wheat and global food supply

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 14, 2023 11:33 am
WMO has declared the onset of the first El Niño event in seven years. It estimates 90% probability the climatic phenomenon, involving an unusual warming of the Pacific Ocean, will develop through 2023, and be of moderate strength. 


Weather forecastaccuracy is crucial in a heat wave – 1 degree can mean the difference betweenlife and death

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 14, 2023 11:25 am
Weather forecasts have gotten quite good over the years, but their temperatures aren’t always spot on – and the result when they underplay extremes can be lethal. A 1-degree difference in a forecast’s accuracy can be the difference between life and death 


Acommunity-driven flood resilience information platform for Nicaragua

By International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis on Jul 14, 2023 11:20 am
IIASA researchers and colleagues from Plan International are using modern digital tools to enhance community-driven flood resilience in rural flood-prone communities in Nicaragua. 


On the trail oflandslides and rockfalls: TU Graz measurement method uses existing fibre opticlines

By Graz University of Technology on Jul 14, 2023 10:31 am
By changes in the wavelength of light pulses in fibre optic cables, researchers at TU Graz can measure where rockfalls, landslides, fires and earthquakes are taking place. 


MCR2030 welcomesthree new Resilience Hubs in Latin America

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on Jul 13, 2023 09:04 pm
These three new Resilience Hubs will support our global network in sharing knowledge and best practices among MCR2030 cities. 


Heat-relateddeaths ‘56% higher among women’ during record-breaking 2022 European summer

By Carbon Brief on Jul 13, 2023 01:47 pm
More than 61,000 people died as a result of searing heat across Europe in the summer of 2022, according to a new study. 


How tocomprehensively integrate protection, gender and inclusion in anticipatoryaction: a case study from Nepal

By Anticipation Hub on Jul 13, 2023 11:22 am
Nepal, a country nestled amid the majestic Himalayas, is no stranger to disasters. However, it has embraced a groundbreaking approach – anticipatory action – to transform disaster management. 


Bringing agender perspective to disaster risk finance can save lives and support recovery

By World Bank, the on Jul 13, 2023 09:27 am
Even after years of significant economic and social progress, women continue to face barriers in many areas. And when a natural disaster strikes, women tend to face life-threatening challenges, which could hamper both their economic and physical survival. 


WMO highlightsefforts to tackle sand and dust storms

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 13, 2023 09:20 am
The World Meteorological Organization is supporting the first ever International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms to draw attention to the significant impacts on  the environment, socio-economic well-being and health. 


Climate threat:Rising sea levels and stronger storms highlight the need for coastal resilience

By Asian Development Bank on Jul 13, 2023 09:14 am
Climate change is threatening coastal communities worldwide. Using local knowledge, as well as innovative practices such as parametric insurance, is needed to enhance coastal resilience and mitigate the impact of climate change. 


Launch of theSDS Toolbox of the UNCCD on the International Day of Combating Sand and DustStorms (SDS)

By United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification on Jul 13, 2023 09:06 am
The frequency of sand and dust storms (SDS) is on the rise in various regions across the globe. This rise is attributed to factors such as human-driven climate change, desertification, land degradation, and persistent droughts. 


Greening VietNam’s central highlands: A story of hope from Bon Bu Dak village

By United Nations Development Programme - Viet Nam on Jul 13, 2023 08:48 am
At the foot of the Nam Gleh R'luh volcano, in the UNESCO Global Geopark, lies the beautiful village of Bon Bu Dak. Nestled among vast rubber plantations, coffee forests and pepper trees, the village is enveloped by lush greenery. 


Vermont floodsshow limits of America’s efforts to adapt to climate change

By New York Times, the on Jul 12, 2023 02:47 pm
The lack of a comprehensive national rainfall database and current flood maps hampers the ability to prepare for storms intensified by climate change. 


Adding snow toestimates of spring flooding

By Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on Jul 12, 2023 02:30 pm
A PNNL scheme to improve small-scale hydrologic infrastructure helps pinpoint local flood risks. 


How climatechange intensifies the water cycle, fueling extreme rainfall and flooding – theNortheast deluge was just the latest

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 12, 2023 02:30 pm
A powerful storm system that hit the U.S. Northeast on July 9 and 10, 2023, dumped close to 10 inches of rain on New York’s Lower Hudson Valley in less than a day and sent mountain rivers spilling over their banks and into towns across Vermont. 


Californialaunches new heat initiative ahead of next heatwave

By CBS News, CBS Corporation on Jul 12, 2023 02:00 pm
Gov. Gavin Newsom launched a $20 million campaign to protect Californians from extreme heat as the state prepares for another heatwave this weekend. 


Manzanillo,Costa Rica: A women-led mangrove plantation aids in combatting the effects ofclimate change

By Global Resilience Partnership on Jul 12, 2023 01:19 pm
In Manzanillo, Costa Rica, we meet Ana Cecilia Solís Ugalde, a community leader who created a mangrove nursery to build climate resilience in her community. 


Climate changeis making travel that much harder

By Columbia Climate School on Jul 12, 2023 01:04 pm
The design of most of our transportation infrastructure was based on the climate of the mid-20th century. As climate change continues to warm the planet and make weather more extreme, much of that infrastructure will become less safe and reliable. 


Taking afine-grained approach to investigating climate’s impact on crops

By Eos - AGU on Jul 12, 2023 12:58 pm
Studying the effects of variable weather on all three aspects of production—planting, harvesting, and yield—can help farmers and policymakers build resilience to climate change. 


Biden-⁠Harris administration takes action toprotect communities from extreme heat fueled by the climate crisis

By White House, the on Jul 12, 2023 12:51 pm
Millions of Americans are being impacted by extreme heat waves, which are growing in intensity, frequency, and duration due to climate change. In June, heat waves broke records across the country. 


Climate changethreatens to cause ‘synchronised harvest failures’ across the globe, withimplications for Australia’s food security

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 12, 2023 11:59 am
New research shows scientists have underestimated the climate risk to agriculture and global food production. 


Cooling theheat: can India lead the world in green cooling innovation

By World Bank, the on Jul 12, 2023 11:26 am
India must urgently address its urban heat challenge not only as a climate challenge but also as a development challenge. 


Why don’t moreCalifornians protect their homes against wildfires?

By The Society for Risk Analysis on Jul 12, 2023 10:48 am
New research suggests that insurance could incentivize homeowners to take mitigative action and help prevent their neighborhoods from going up in smoke. 


Why climateaction is critical to reducing poverty and what it means for policy tradeoffs

By World Bank, the on Jul 12, 2023 10:41 am
Climate change, and the increase in temperature, rainfall extremes and storms that it brings will have a big impact on the ability of poor people to earn incomes. 


5 tips forinclusive disaster-risk management planning

By World Bank, the on Jul 12, 2023 10:25 am
Below are five tips for governments and development experts on how to strengthen inclusiveness in disaster risk management planning. 


Improving heatrisk education and warning messaging: 3 recommendations

By Kristin VanderMolen, Nicholas Kimutis, Benjamin Hatchett on Jul 11, 2023 02:15 pm
As population exposure to extreme heat increases, government agencies are developing heat health warning systems to support the public in taking protective action. The reach and effectiveness of these interventions is still a concern. 


Sea level risethreatens the existence of the Marshall Islands

By Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on Jul 11, 2023 01:18 pm
At its highest point, the Republic of the Marshall Islands(RMI) stands at two metres above sea level. As people of a low-lying atoll nation, the Marshallese face an existential threat from climate change impacts, specifically sea level rise. 


Chad’s economicrecovery: navigating challenges and building resilience to floods?

By World Bank, the on Jul 11, 2023 11:47 am
Chad’s GDP growth was modest due to the impact of floods and a volatile security environment, which hindered the expected recovery. 


How wildfirerisk and extreme heat is changing the insurance industry

By World Economic Forum on Jul 11, 2023 11:25 am
Climate change poses a conundrum for the insurance industry. Extreme weather events have been occurring with heightened frequency, severity and unpredictability in recent years, upending the climate models and risk management strategies. 


Q&A: How toprepare for a warming climate?: An assessment of climate change adaptation inthe Nordic region

By Stockholm Environment Institute on Jul 11, 2023 11:10 am
As our planet warms, all nations grapple with climate change adaptation. This Q&A with SEI Policy Fellow, Mikael Allan Mikaelsson, explores the current state of adaptation in the Nordic region, shedding light on key challenges and potential steps forward. 


Record-breakingheat in the summer of 2022 caused more than 61,000 deaths in Europe

By ISGlobal on Jul 11, 2023 10:48 am
An epidemiological analysis published in Nature Medicine estimates that 63% more women than men died due to heat, with the highest incidence in the Mediterranean region 


Addressingjustice in wildfire risk management

By International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis on Jul 11, 2023 09:58 am
A new article calls for more integrated and inclusive wildfire risk management approaches and proposes a novel framework mapping different justice aspects. 


Personalexperience with wildfire increases engagement in disaster preparedness, OSUstudy finds

By Oregon State University on Jul 11, 2023 09:45 am
Residents who experienced direct harm from Oregon’s 2020 wildfires are more likely to take steps to mitigate their fire risk in the future, an Oregon State University study found. 


Can we stopdisasters before they happen?

By Beyond disaster on Jul 11, 2023 09:44 am
Interview with Roslyn Prinsley, of the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, on innovative technologies to tackle the impact of more intense disasters. 


Synthesizing 200years of research on the urban impact on regional climate and extreme weather

By United States Department of Energy on Jul 11, 2023 09:39 am
As cities expand and urban populations grow, scientists need to better understand how cities interact with weather and climate at various scales. This review provides an overview of current scientific understanding of the effects of urbanization. 


A study reframesthe definition of marine heatwaves to improve responses to climate change

By EurekAlert on Jul 11, 2023 09:30 am
An IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) study highlights how today’s climate variables are not constant over the long term and climate indicators need to be realigned. 


Moreextreme-heat occurrences related to humidity in China

By Institute of Atmospheric Physics on Jul 10, 2023 04:08 pm
Against the background of global warming, significant increasing trends in the frequency of such extreme events are captured nationwide, but with much stronger trends detected in northern and western China . 


Understandingthe climate change impact on health

By Open Access Government on Jul 10, 2023 11:00 am
Scientists at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) help society to prepare for climate change impacts on health in a multi-faceted approach 


The health carecosts of extreme heat

By Center for American Progress on Jul 10, 2023 10:45 am
Daily climate and health care utilization data from Virginia illuminate the health care costs of extreme heat, which amount to approximately $1 billion every summer when extrapolated nationally. 


It's not theheat, it's the inhumanity

By Oxfam - Solidarité on Jul 10, 2023 10:29 am
Honestly? This is simple. It’s very, very hot outside—much hotter than it used to be, and it should be—sizzling, scorching, scalding. When it gets this hot, people who have to work outside should be protected with simple measures: shade, water, rest. 


New virtualboardgame brings households together to tackle climate change

By Waverly Council on Jul 10, 2023 10:24 am
Teenagers in Sydney’s east have joined forces with seniors and local environmental groups to create a new virtual board game that promotes activities and actions to make sustainability second nature. 


How four citiesare building resilience to extreme heat

By Atlantic Council on Jul 10, 2023 10:17 am
The world broke the record for the hottest day ever this week—twice. On July 3, the average global temperature hit 17.01°C (62.62°F), exceeding the August 2016 record of 16.92°C (62.46°F). Then, on July 4, it rose to 17.18°C (62.92°F). 


Call forapplications: Research grants on inclusive EWEA

By Global Disaster Preparedness Center on Jul 07, 2023 02:13 pm
The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) is proud to announce the launch of its Small Grants Research Program focused on inclusivity and accessibility of early warning early action among last mile communities. 


Nigeriansexperiment with wildfire prevention methods

By Fair Planet on Jul 07, 2023 02:08 pm
Francis Onabe still remembers the event of 22 March, 2020 vividly.  That day, bush fire set by a farmer escalated and spread to his farmland, destroying all his crops in Olum, his community in Nigeria’s southeastern Cross River State. 


New study showsrobust pandemic preparedness strongly linked to lower Covid-19 mortality rates

By Nuclear Threat Initiative on Jul 07, 2023 02:00 pm
Preparedness matters: Accounting for age and national capabilities to diagnose COVID-19 deaths reveals that pre-pandemic investments in capacity saved lives—though U.S. remains an outlier. 


Q&A: Whyextreme weather, not climate change, drives concerns about water safety

By University of Southern California on Jul 07, 2023 01:30 pm
People’s worries about water safety are connected more closely to concerns about severe weather than climate change. Environmental communication could better capture attention and drive meaningful action by focusing on extreme waether impacts. 


Bus stops andplaygrounds are too damn hot

By Vox Media Inc. on Jul 07, 2023 12:45 pm



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