The News and blogs weekly newsletter In the 30/01/2024 edition

In the 30/01/2024 edition:


News: Empowering communities: The impact of Early Warning System 1294 on disaster preparedness in Cambodia

By People in Need on Jan 29, 2024 04:40 pm
With EWS 1294, the community has experienced a significant enhancement in their safety and resilience. By being better informed and prepared, people are now equipped to protect themselves and their livelihoods from the impact of hazards. 


News: Even when most of California is dry doesn’t mean we can’t have floods

By California WaterBlog on Jan 29, 2024 10:11 am
This post examines how different parts of California often see very different water years. 


News: Joint World Bank, EU, UN report assesses damages caused by catastrophic flooding in Libya

By World Bank, the on Jan 26, 2024 05:15 pm
The Libya Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA) analyses damages and losses – as well as recovery and reconstruction needs – using a globally established methodology across almost all sectors of the Libyan economy. 


News: New series of educational videos on climate change and health from the ENBEL project

By Enhancing Belmont Research Action to support EU policy making on climate change and health (ENBEL) on Jan 26, 2024 05:14 pm
The ENBEL project has developed a series of short educational videos on climate change and health topics to give more information on how climate change effects our health and what we can do about it. 


News: Enabling inclusive emergency preparedness and response in Romania

By Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR) on Jan 26, 2024 05:13 pm
Determined to protect lives and livelihoods in a country prone to disasters such as earthquakes and floods, Romania has been making tremendous headway in strengthening its emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) system. 


News: Climate change is increasing lightning deaths in Bangladesh

By Climate Adaptation Platform on Jan 26, 2024 05:13 pm
Deaths caused by lightning are rising in Bangladesh, and climate change is to blame for the increase in fatalities, according to the BBC. 


News: From New York to Jakarta, land in many coastal cities is sinking faster than sea levels are rising

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 26, 2024 05:12 pm
Sea level rise has already put coastal cities on notice thanks to increasing storm surges and even sunny day flooding at high tide. However, many cities are facing another factor making them even more vulnerable to rising waters: land subsidence. 


News: Ice storms, January downpours, heavy snow, no snow: Diagnosing ‘warming winter syndrome’

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 26, 2024 05:10 pm
One of the most robust measures of Earth’s changing climate is that winter is warming more quickly than other seasons. The cascade of changes it brings, including ice storms and rain in regions are symptoms of what I call “warming winter syndrome.” 


News: Biden-Harris Administration shares new land cover data to help communities understand coastal change

By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Jan 26, 2024 12:35 pm
$8 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law supports updated land cover information across the country. 


News: 'Hot drought' unprecedented across Western North America since the 16th century, study suggests

By Columbia Climate School on Jan 26, 2024 11:38 am
Reconstructions of summer temperatures across western North America spanning the past 500 years suggest that concurrent heat and drought conditions, known as “hot drought,” have been unprecedented in frequency and severity over the past century. 


News: African smallholder farmers benefit from reduced crop losses and higher incomes from a novel pest alert service

By CAB International on Jan 26, 2024 10:06 am
A newly published review shows that smallholder farmers in four African countries who received pest alerts created using earth observation data benefitted from reduced crop losses and higher incomes compared to farmers who did not. 


News: New UN database to help countries tap climate 'loss and damage' fund

By Context on Jan 26, 2024 09:16 am
To access the new loss and damage fund set up at COP28, poorer countries need support to collect better data on climate disasters. 


News: Climate change, not El Niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable Amazon River Basin

By World Weather Attribution on Jan 25, 2024 03:55 pm
Since mid 2023 the Amazon River Basin (ARB) has been in a state of exceptional drought, driven by low rainfall and consistently high temperatures for the entire year 2023 across the basin. 


News: Severe hot weather forces farmers to look for ways to keep cattle cool

By Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Jan 25, 2024 03:48 pm
With a heatwave building across large parts of the country, farmers are deploying innovative measures to protect their livestock against the dangers of hot weather. 


News: The USDA’s climate hubs could help farmers adapt to extreme weather

By Union of Concerned Scientists on Jan 25, 2024 03:48 pm
After months of delay, it appears possible that the food and farm bill might finally begin moving forward in Congress. From conservation to nutrition to crop insurance, this mammoth legislation covers a lot of ground. 


News: Diverse forests are best at standing up to storms

By British Ecological Society on Jan 25, 2024 03:46 pm
European forests with a greater diversity of tree species are more resilient to storms, according to new research published in Functional Ecology. 


News: New report assesses which of London’s properties and neighbourhoods are most vulnerable to heat in the wake of the hottest year ever recorded

By Arup International Development on Jan 25, 2024 03:43 pm
Landmark report produced by Arup maps London's heat risk across homes, neighbourhoods and essential properties in the wake of climate change, informing the Mayor of London’s plans for resilience. 


News: Too hot to party? Extreme temperatures threaten live music shows

By Context on Jan 25, 2024 02:10 pm
The music event business faces cancellations and rising health risks as extreme weather events hit outdoor shows. 


News: Disaster communications can be more effective when using different messaging strategies

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 25, 2024 01:49 pm
Our study recommends that disaster relief organizations take a more nuanced and dynamic approach than prior crisis communication studies suggest, demonstrating the importance of adapting communication strategies to different phases of disaster management. 


News: The Australia-Tuvalu deal shows why we need a global framework for climate relocations

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 25, 2024 01:34 pm
The Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union treaty is the world’s first bilateral agreement on climate mobility. Under the treaty, Australia will grant permanent residence to up to 280 Tuvaluans facing dangers posed by climate change each year. 


News: Climate disaster movies resonate in ways that news never will

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 25, 2024 01:27 pm
More than just the effects though, it has been argued that the skill of storytelling can impress climate science on viewers’ minds far more effectively. 


News: DICT installs communication equipment to boost connectivity in disaster-prone areas in Caraga

By Philippine Information Agency on Jan 25, 2024 01:22 pm
The Philippines' DICT, in partnership with UNDP, recently deployed Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) units to the identified disaster-prone and highly vulnerable areas within selected local government units in the region. 


News: Paper provides a clearer picture of severe hydro hazards

By University of Arkansas on Jan 25, 2024 01:18 pm
An increasing area of interest to researchers is the frequency of compound drought and pluvial flooding (caused by quick, heavy rainfall or sustained rainfall beyond the norm), which is when both occur in succession in the same area. 


News: Climate change could be impacting babies’ birthweight for gestational age

By Curtin University on Jan 25, 2024 01:09 pm
Climate change could pose a big risk to Australians’ reproductive health with a new, large-scale Curtin University study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies’ birthweights for gestational age. 


News: New UFH study prepares authorities for climate-related disaster in urban coastal cities

By University of Fort Hare on Jan 25, 2024 01:04 pm
Despite coastal cities being at high risk of climate change disasters, huge gaps remain in planning and distributing information on disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies at a local government level, new research by UFH found. 


News: Global groundwater depletion is accelerating, but is not inevitable

By University of California, Santa Barbara on Jan 25, 2024 12:29 pm
Groundwater is rapidly declining across the globe, often at accelerating rates. Writing in the journal Nature, UC Santa Barbara researchers present the largest assessment of groundwater levels around the world. 


News: UBC researchers advocate for sustainable logging to safeguard against global flood risks

By University of British Columbia on Jan 25, 2024 12:18 pm
It’s time to recognize the power of healthy forests in managing global growing flood risk, and to shift towards more sustainable forestry practices and policy. 


News: New tool predicts flood risk from hurricanes in a warming climate

By MIT News, Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Jan 25, 2024 12:12 pm
Using New York as a test case, the model predicts flooding at the level experienced during Hurricane Sandy will occur roughly every 30 years by the end of this century. 


News: Three actions governments can take to help pay for climate adaptation

By Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Jan 24, 2024 01:22 pm
Impacts of climate change including disasters triggered by natural hazards are causing economic and social challenges, with developing countries the hardest hit. There is an urgent need for good fiscal policy to prepare robust adaptation strategies. 


News: Did the BOM get it wrong on the hot, dry summer? No – predicting chaotic systems is probability, not certainty

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 24, 2024 01:21 pm
Weather forecasting is inherently not about certainty but probability. Our atmosphere and oceans do not behave in simple, easily predictable ways. That means we can only predict large weather features. 


News: Bihar's resilience: Transformative flood management through the Kosi Basin development project

By World Bank, the on Jan 24, 2024 01:20 pm
Bihar, once ravaged annually by the relentless floods from the Kosi River, has undergone a remarkable transformation, with the World Bank-supported Bihar Kosi Basin Development project. 


News: Study reveals a staggering economic cost of climate change on Bangladesh aquaculture

By Worldfish center, the on Jan 24, 2024 01:16 pm
The economic toll of climate change on Bangladesh's aquaculture has been revealed for the first time in a new study published in Climate Risk Management. 


News: YouthADAPT challenge winner Ecobarter: Transforming waste into value to combat urban flooding in Nigeria

By Global Center on Adaptation on Jan 24, 2024 01:15 pm
In the face of climate change, YouthADAPT Challenge Winner Ecobarter helps vulnerable urban communities in Nigeria lower flood risk through sustainable waste management. 


News: Slovenia was devastated by flooding in 2023 - how is it preparing for extreme rain in the future?

By Euronews on Jan 24, 2024 01:04 pm
Slovenia is raising levees and levies in a nationwide effort to become resilient to heavy rainfall and flash flooding. 


News: Britain is at bursting point and its flood barriers need to be updated

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 24, 2024 12:58 pm
Flooding is the top environmental hazard identified in the UK’s National Risk Register, after a pandemic. Around one in six homes are currently at risk of flooding – a value likely to increase. 


News: As another cyclone heads for Queensland, we must be ready for the new threat: torrential rain and floods

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 24, 2024 12:53 pm
More intense tropical cyclones are expected because higher sea-surface temperatures will make the atmosphere more warm and moist. Cyclones thrive in such conditions. 


News: Extreme weather influencing mortgage payments

By University of Edinburgh on Jan 24, 2024 12:42 pm
When cyclones and floods hit populated areas, people’s ability to pay their mortgage differs depending on the type and intensity of the extreme weather, research suggests. 


News: Japan’s aging population will increase disaster vulnerability

By The Diplomat on Jan 24, 2024 12:30 pm
As the Noto earthquake showed, the elderly are among the most impacted by natural disasters. 


News: Over 3.2 million Americans have left high flood risk neighborhoods creating “climate abandonment areas"

By First Street Foundation on Jan 24, 2024 11:25 am
Study finds that over the next 30 years, the current Climate Abandonment Areas are expected to decline an additional 16%, some 2.5 million people, due to flood risk. 


News: Weather patterns and power outage links could help UK protect itself from disruptive weather

By University of Bristol on Jan 24, 2024 10:12 am
The behaviour of specific weather patterns and their impact on power faults could be used to develop a weather pattern-conditioned fault forecasting system for power system operators. 


News: Nepal explores tapping flood-risk glacial lakes for clean power

By Context on Jan 24, 2024 09:02 am
In an effort to turn a risk into a gain, Nepal aims to drain burgeoning glacial lakes and could produce hydropower from the flow. 


News: Office air conditioning can reduce the risk of harm from bushfire smoke

By University of Technology Sydney on Jan 24, 2024 08:50 am
Air conditioning doesn't just cool the air – it can also reduce the risk of harm from bushfire smoke, new research suggests. 


News: Clusters of atmospheric rivers amp up California storm damages

By Stanford News Service on Jan 23, 2024 06:12 pm
When multiple atmospheric rivers hit California back-to-back, the economic damage from resulting rain and snowfall is three to four times higher than predicted from individual storms, a Stanford study finds. 


News: How climate disasters hurt adolescents’ mental health

By Grist Magazine on Jan 23, 2024 06:03 pm
Young people traumatized by Hurricane Maria were more likely to report substance use. 


News: Kenya: Land use mess at the heart of unfolding desertification

By Disaster Risk Reduction Network of African Journalists on Jan 23, 2024 12:23 pm
The IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre – ICPAC has carried out drought surveillance over the years and reports that trends are changing; rapidly, extremely



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