The News and blogs weekly newsletter In the 14/11/2023 edition

In the 11/14/2023 edition:


1 in 3 children exposed to severe water scarcity – UNICEF

By United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Nov 13, 2023 04:18 pm
The climate changed world – with dwindling water supply and inadequate water services – is also changing children, altering their mental and physical health, new report warns. 


Storm Ciarán, drought and floods: Climate-related disasters could raise insurance prices in France

By Euronews on Nov 13, 2023 12:15 pm
The different weather-related disasters France has seen this year paint a pessimistic landscape for insurance prices in 2024. 


Designing cities for 21st-century weather

By University of Delaware on Nov 13, 2023 12:06 pm
University of Delaware researcher Jing Gao investigated how changes in urban land and population will affect future populations’ exposures to weather extremes under climate conditions at the end of the 21st century. 


Three major gaps in climate-adaptation finance for developing countries

By Stockholm Environment Institute on Nov 13, 2023 12:05 pm
The new Adaptation Finance Gap Update, part of the UN Environment Programme(UNEP) Adaptation Gap Report 2023, examines recent trends in adaptation funding. 


Wildfire, drought cause $11.2 billion in damage to private timberland in three Pacific states, study finds

By Journal of Environmental Economics and Management on Nov 13, 2023 12:03 pm
Wildfires and drought have led to $11.2 billion in damages to privately held timberland in California, Oregon and Washington over the past two decades, a new Oregon State University study found. 


How mega-floods can be predicted

By Technische Universität Wien on Nov 13, 2023 12:01 pm
When floods are predicted only on the basis of local data, there may be unpleasant surprises. A new method makes it possible to significantly improve predictions - using international data from hydrologically similar areas. 


Anthropogenic climate change heightens risks of spatially compounding flooding and heatwave events

By Chinese Academy of Sciences on Nov 13, 2023 11:50 am
Compound extreme events, defined as those where multiple climate extremes converge, often result in more severe and devastating impacts than individual events. 


Low-intensity fires reduce wildfire risk by 60%

By Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment on Nov 13, 2023 11:13 am
High-intensity, often catastrophic, wildfires have become increasingly frequent across the Western U.S. Researchers quantified the value of managed low-intensity burning to dramatically reduce the risk of such fires for years at a time. 


Tragic lessons from Morocco and Türkiye: Earthquake resilience needs a stronger foundation

By Jonathan T.M. Reckford, Dr. Kit Miyamoto on Nov 13, 2023 11:11 am
Currently, governments around the world spend 90% of their disaster budgets on emergency relief, but only 4% on prevention and preparedness. That equation equals disaster. 


Over 270 hazardous chemical incidents have occurred in the United States this year alone, highlighting need for stronger chemical safety regulations

By Coming Clean, Inc. on Nov 13, 2023 07:29 am
Over 825 hazardous chemical incidents – including fires, explosions and harmful chemical releases – have occurred since the beginning of 2021, and over 270 incidents have occurred this year alone. 


The way we respond to disasters is about to change

By Environmental Defense Fund on Nov 10, 2023 05:30 pm
A new approach to governing disasters will not only save the government money on future disaster spending but will also support communities and families across America working to protect their own safety, livelihoods and futures. 


A decade after powerful Typhoon Haiyan, reflections on how power affects recovery

By Stockholm Environment Institute on Nov 10, 2023 04:14 pm
On 8 November 2013, super Typhoon Haiyan left a trail of destruction in the Philippines. The 10-year anniversary of this event provides an opportunity to reflect on research related to post-disaster recovery. 


Unhoused people are especially vulnerable to wildfire smoke

By Yale Climate Connections on Nov 10, 2023 04:13 pm
Alameda County Healthcare for the Homeless provides people living outside with masks, information about health risks, and guidance for where to seek shelter. 


The impact the El Niño weather pattern could have on Tongan farmers

By Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Nov 10, 2023 04:12 pm
Most irrigation for Tongan food crops relies on rainwater, so with the El Niño weather pattern taking over in late 2023, farmers need to think differently about how they work. 


WHO unveils framework for climate resilient and low carbon health systems

By World Health Organization on Nov 10, 2023 04:11 pm
Responding to rapidly changing climate, the World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled a new Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. 


U.S. study shows climate impacts on heating and cooling demand

By The Energy Mix on Nov 10, 2023 04:08 pm
As climate variability revises peak demand for heating and cooling in an electrified future, grid operators must plan ahead to guarantee reliability, say the authors of a new paper published in the journal Nature. 


SM malls join first quarter nationwide earthquake drill

By Cebu Daily News on Nov 10, 2023 03:38 pm
SM malls together with the Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine National Police, and the local government unit’s disaster risk reduction council, gathered their employees,for the conduct of the simultaneous earthquake drill. 


Lightning is the leading cause of wildfires in boreal forests, threatening carbon storage

By Faculty of Environment, University of Leeds on Nov 10, 2023 03:24 pm
New research shows that lightning is the biggest threat to boreal forests and that its frequency will increase with climate change. 


Global warming–induced sea level changes could increase earthquake risk

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Nov 10, 2023 03:08 pm
New research, published in Quaternary Science Reviews, has explored the possibility of the earthquakes being triggered by the global-scale activity of Earth's glacial cycles. 


Study examines link between underwater landslides and tsunamis

By Ohio State University on Nov 10, 2023 11:12 am
Using properties measured from distortions in the seafloor near the remains of an underwater landslide off the coast of Oregon, researchers have developed a novel approach for analyzing the risk that underwater landslides may trigger deadly tsunamis. 


Short-duration extreme precipitation over mountainous areas will increase under global warming

By Chinese Academy of Sciences on Nov 10, 2023 10:09 am
A new study has uncovered a trend of increased short-duration extreme precipitation over mountainous regions under global warming in Southwest China. Short-duration extreme precipitation events can lead to flash floods and landslides. 


Planning for resilience: Romania’s new flood risk management plans

By World Bank, the on Nov 10, 2023 09:07 am
Romania's new Flood Risk Management Plans lay out an integrated approach to improve flood prevention and protection, as well as to strengthen capacities for flood preparedness, response, and recovery, ultimately helping the country to improve resilience. 


Heat, cold, pollution, noise and insects: too many apartment blocks aren’t up to the challenge

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 09, 2023 04:01 pm
Our newly published research shows how apartment residents struggle with the impacts of unhealthy homes. It’s a result of decades of urban planning based on fossil fuel use and high-rise building standards poorly adapted to the Australian environment. 


From conventional to climate-resilient integrated coastal zone management public policy

By Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on Nov 09, 2023 03:59 pm
The IDB, in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI), collaboratively developed a tool: Climate-Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management Performance Indicators to verify the implementation of ICZM policies resilient to climate risks. 


The farewell of the glaciers: How global warming is transforming disaster risk in the Peruvian Andes

By Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on Nov 09, 2023 02:30 pm
As the climate warms, the increase in the occurrence of disasters in the high Andean regions and the alteration of water availability are the challenges that most worry the communities in the upper part of the Cordillera. 


Two months after Morocco quake, little support for hard-hit Amazigh women

By The New Humanitarian on Nov 09, 2023 12:32 pm
‘No one thought about us apparently.’ Two months after one of the strongest earthquakes in Morocco’s history, women in Indigenous Amazigh communities are finding it particularly hard to recover. 


NASA analysis finds strong El Niño could bring extra floods this winter

By National Aeronautics and Space Administration on Nov 09, 2023 12:09 pm
Such high-tide flooding that inundates roads and buildings along the west coast of the Americas tends to be uncommon outside of El Niño years, but that could change by the 2030s. 


Innovative flood resilience project announced as ESRC celebrating impact prize finalist

By University of Glasgow on Nov 09, 2023 12:02 pm
A UofG project that’s increasing community resilience and enhancing the capacity of residents of flood-prone areas in Brazil to take protective action has been announced as an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Celebrating Impact Prize finalist. 


Ecosystems as infrastructure: A new way of looking at climate resilience

By Yale Environment 360 on Nov 09, 2023 11:59 am
The director of Columbia University’s Urban Design Program believes that architects should do more than just create beautiful spaces: They need to work with nature to create climate resilient living environments that help knit human communities together. 


5 ways Türkiye (and other countries) can reduce climate and disaster risk

By World Bank, the on Nov 09, 2023 11:57 am
Türkiye is expected to experience more climate impacts. Water scarcity, sea level rise, more frequent and severe heatwaves, floods and droughts – all pose major risks to public health, labor productivity, agriculture, infrastructure, and ecosystems. 


Human-induced climate change compounded by socio-economic water stressors increased severity of drought in Syria, Iraq and Iran

By World Weather Attribution on Nov 09, 2023 11:36 am
From boreal winter 2020 onwards, a large region in West Asia has suffered from exceptionally low rains and elevated temperatures. The resulting 3-year drought has led to severe impacts on agriculture and access to potable water.  


Malawi takes bold steps to combat cholera through multisectoral strategy

By World Health Organization on Nov 09, 2023 09:27 am
Malawi is the first country in Africa to utilize the recently updated Global Task Force for Cholera Control tool to identify priority areas for multi-sectoral interventions (PAMIs, also called hotspots) for cholera control. 


Supporting Viet Nam's journey to water security: A transformative odyssey

By World Bank, the on Nov 08, 2023 04:02 pm
Viet Nam’s quest for water security and the World Bank’s support for this effort have evolved significantly over the past three decades. Today, the focus has shifted towards building resilience and mitigating the impacts of a changing climate. 


Preparing for the future: Hospital climate resilience plans challenged by cost, uncertainty

By Healthcare Dive on Nov 08, 2023 03:57 pm
The unpredictability of future climate events as well as financial and labor challenges can make preparedness more difficult, even as health systems face critical threats to their operations. 


Climate-vulnerable countries need better recovery support to avoid debt: Here are some measures that can help

By World Economic Forum on Nov 08, 2023 03:46 pm
As the frequency and intensity of storms, flash floods and other climate-induced hazards continue to increase, many climate-vulnerable countries find themselves at greater risk of being hit by crises while still not fully recovered from previous ones. 


Study shows link between global warming, deaths from respiratory illness

By University of Minnesota on Nov 08, 2023 03:36 pm
A new study from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health suggests that the risk of hospital death from respiratory illness is higher in warmer, summer months, which may have implications for how hospitals will need to adjust to climate change. 


How the relationship between the land and atmosphere facilitated the persistence of Eastern China's extreme weather and climate in summer 2022

By Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences on Nov 08, 2023 02:45 pm
In the summer of 2022, persistent high temperature and drought compound extreme events occurred in central and eastern China, affecting a wide area and lasting for a long time. 


Climate change heightens risks of spatially compounding flooding and heatwave events

By Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences on Nov 08, 2023 02:34 pm
Scientists recently unveiled a framework for attributing spatially compounding events involving two different hazards. Their innovative approach uses a storyline-probability combined model, significantly enhancing the confidence in attribution statements. 


Volcanic eruption: Scientists perform volcanic scenarios to develop response plan

By The University of New Mexico on Nov 08, 2023 02:22 pm
What would happen if a volcano were to erupt tomorrow in New Mexico? How prepared as we as a society for an event like this to occur 


Fast forwarding disaster tracking system to slow-onset events

By UNDRR Bonn Office on Nov 08, 2023 02:21 pm
Over 50 experts gathered in Bonn today to enhance understanding on assessing the impact of slow-onset events and resultant losses and damages.  


Five innovative strategies to address loss and damage from climate change

By Asian Development Bank on Nov 08, 2023 01:57 pm
Climate change is threatening vulnerable communities throughout Asia and the Pacific. To minimize the losses, five key strategies should be pursued. 


Climate change hits indebted businesses hardest, new research suggests

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 08, 2023 01:52 pm
Climate change poses the biggest risks to the most vulnerable people, and the same is true for businesses: Highly leveraged companies – those that have accumulated too much debt – are uniquely susceptible to climate shocks. 


Looking beyond our borders would improve preparedness for extreme floods

By UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology on Nov 08, 2023 01:38 pm
Almost all extreme flooding across Europe could be anticipated by looking at previous major events in other similar parts of the continent, according to a new study. 


Coping with weather disasters through international migration: The role of search frictions and international migrant demand

By World Bank, the on Nov 08, 2023 01:31 pm
Consider someone whose livelihood was destroyed by a typhoon. As a result, they start searching for overseas employment. However, overseas contracts were already hard to find with willing migrants exceeding available jobs. 


Overcoming the climate crisis with trade-based strategies

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 08, 2023 12:42 pm
New research concludes that international trade may serve as an adaptation strategy to climate change. 


Four magnitude-6.3 earthquakes strike in succession near Herat, Afghanistan

By Temblor on Nov 08, 2023 11:36 am
The recent quadruplet of earthquakes that have rocked Herat, Afghanistan, bring an important question to the fore: how can traditional earthen buildings be strengthened to withstand shaking? 


Oxfam Pilipinas calls for proactive spending of disaster funds on Yolanda’s 10th anniversary

By Oxfam International Secretariat on Nov 08, 2023 11:07 am
Humanitarian and development organization Oxfam Pilipinas urges local governments to shift from reactive spending to a proactive approach by utilizing local calamity funds effectively. 


Ten years after Haiyan: Building back better in the Philippines

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Nov 07, 2023 05:59 pm
On 8 November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines. Ten years on, survivors are still rebuilding their lives, but wide-ranging resilience measures mean that previously at-risk communities are now better protected. 


Event report: Wetland solutions to protect against droughts and floods

By Wetlands International on Nov 07, 2023 04:13 pm
The report of the event focuses on the pressing need to upscale wetland solutions for disaster risk reduction. The session featured prominent speakers who offered valuable insights into the potential of wetlands as nature-based solutions (NbS). 


Climate change is transforming architecture: Think houses on stilts, with a rounded shape like a ship that can survive a hurricane

By Fortune on Nov 07, 2023 04:11 pm
Developers are building homes with an eye toward making them more resilient to the extreme weather that’s increasing with climate change, and friendlier to the environment at the same time. 


Sutlej River floods in Pakistan worsened by catalogue of issues

By The Third Pole on Nov 07, 2023 04:10 pm
From where Akhtar sits, the border fence between India and Pakistan is visible in the distance. It is an unwavering reminder not only of the divide between the two countries, but also the division of the rivers that form the Indus Basin. 


Pakistan: Devastating floods have widened spatial disparities

By World Bank, the on Nov 07, 2023 04:08 pm
On the request of the Government of Pakistan, the World Bank reconstructed key transport infrastructure through a developed model that estimates accessibility to services at small scales using geospatial and remote sensing data. 


Every year, approximately one million people die from vector-borne diseases, and climate change impacts are likely to worsen the situation

By European Union on Nov 07, 2023 03:54 pm
Climate change is having adverse effects on the transmission and spread of vector-borne diseases. The CLIMOS project is playing an important role in mitigating and preventing the transmission and spread of vector-borne diseases. 


Disaster resilient infrastructure is our best investment

By Miyamoto International on Nov 07, 2023 02:22 pm
The social and economic consequences of disasters are a reminder of our shared vulnerability and a reason to initiate a global movement to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. 


An open-source tool to assist in multi-hazard risk assessment

By Rabina Twayana on Nov 07, 2023 02:18 pm
Effective risk assessment and management are essential for mitigating the impacts of hazards and building resilient communities. A new open-source tool, RiskChanges, can help inform decision making and guide resource allocation. 


Scientists map loss of groundwater storage around the world

By Desert Research Institute on Nov 07, 2023 12:27 pm
A new study maps, for the first time, the permanent loss of aquifer storage capacity occurring globally. 


After successive floods, Pakistan is forced to consider resilient housing

By The Third Pole on Nov 07, 2023 11:28 am
As millions rebuild their homes in the wake of the devastating 2022 floods, an architect’s innovative model for flood-resilient homes shows the way. 


How global warming shakes the Earth: Seismic data show ocean waves gaining strength as the planet warms

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 07, 2023 11:14 am
Global data, along with other ocean, satellite and regional seismic studies, show a decadeslong increase in wave energy that coincides with increasing storminess attributed to rising global temperatures. 


In Kashmir, bellwether of India’s changing climate, heatwaves, receding glaciers, drying rivers, power cuts & falling harvests

By Article 14 on Nov 07, 2023 11:07 am
Srinagar is bearing witness to temperatures unseen in a century, the latest evidence of a warming climate in a region known for its cold, snowy glaciers and mountains, clear waters and lush meadows. 


As extreme heat soars, laws to protect outdoor workers are bubbling up — and facing resistance

By STAT News on Nov 07, 2023 10:43 am
Activists and labor groups are pushing lawmakers and regulators to pass heat standard to protect outdoor workers.



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