The News and blogs weekly newsletter

In the 17/10/2023 edition:


Closing the investment gap for risk reduction in Asia-Pacific

By United Nations Development Programme on Oct 16, 2023 04:54 pm
A joint initiative of the UN Environment Programme, the World Meteorological Organization and UNDP, seeks to unpack and address financing shortfalls by calling for analysis that highlights gaps and provides financing that leverages more robust outcomes. 


In face of conflict, project helps Sudanese villages capture scarce rainwater

By United Nations Environment Programme on Oct 16, 2023 04:52 pm
This International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction focuses on communities like Wada’a Sudan struggling with inequality and the climate crisis. To counter water shortages and foster peace, UNEP launched a project to improve water management in the area. 


Enhancing climate resilience in Bangladesh’s coastal towns: A collaborative endeavor

By Global Center on Adaptation on Oct 16, 2023 04:51 pm
Bangladesh's coastal cities and towns are not just grappling with the direct impacts of climate change but are also contending with socio-economic challenges that are exacerbating their vulnerability. 


Fighting inequality for a resilient Caribbean

By United Nations Development Coordination Office on Oct 16, 2023 04:48 pm
When disasters strike, they disproportionately affect marginalized communities, exacerbating existing inequalities and pushing them deeper into poverty. Fighting inequality is critical to build a stronger and safer future for everyone. 


New weather-sensing technology created to stop 'preventable' heat-related fatalities in Queensland's elderly

By Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Oct 16, 2023 04:34 pm
As the temperature rises in the lead up to summer, Queensland researchers have launched a project to develop an in-home early warning system for elderly residents during extreme heat. 


Wildfire smoke leaves harmful gases in floors and walls − air purifiers aren’t enough, new study shows, but you can clean it up

By Conversation Media Group, the on Oct 16, 2023 04:34 pm
In a new study published in the journal Science Advances, scientists tracked the life of these gases in a home exposed to wildfire smoke. They also found that the best way to get rid of the risk is among the simplest: start cleaning. 


The Averted Disaster Award announces Amrita Center for wireless networks & applications as 2023 Winner

By Averted Disaster Award on Oct 16, 2023 03:38 pm
The Averted Disaster Award (ADA) today named the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications as the winner of the 2023 ADA award for outstanding Disaster Risk Management (DRM) intervention. 


It’s raining in Colombo—but don’t forget the drought in the rest of Sri Lanka

By International Water Management Institute on Oct 16, 2023 02:53 pm
Drought struck the North, North Central and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka this August and September generating cascading consequences for the entire island. 


Fighting against time and tropical cyclones: The struggle of coastal communities in the Pacific

By International Organization for Migration on Oct 16, 2023 02:13 pm
IOM calls on governments to implement sustainable climate adaptation, preparedness and disaster risk reduction measures. Particularly for people with disabilities who may experience physical limitations if placed in situations of greater vulnerability. 


‘Nothing’s predictable’: Extreme weather is ruining farmers’ crops, and their finances

By Grist Magazine on Oct 16, 2023 01:10 pm
Natural disasters hit farmers with a $22 billion bill last year. Only half of that was covered by insurance. 


New study reveals the influence of natural climate drivers on extreme monsoons in Pakistan

By Oak Ridge National Laboratory on Oct 16, 2023 12:46 pm
A new study by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory looks at some of the influences that could be driving the increasingly severe weather over Pakistan. 


Pathways towards a Pacific-owned anticipatory action model

By Anticipation Hub on Oct 16, 2023 12:20 pm
While examples from global evidence on anticipatory action can inform the development of mechanisms in the region, it is imperative for anticipatory action to be implemented and facilitated by Pacific actors. 


Libya flood reveals disaster prevention deficit in fragile states

By Context on Oct 16, 2023 10:21 am
In places like Libya which suffer from endemic political instability, infrastructure maintenance remains a particular challenge. Research and planning can help minimise threats to infrastructure and people from extreme weather. 


Call for photo submissions – UNDP Photo Competition "Change makers in Action: Building disability inclusive, resilient communities"

By United Nations Development Programme on Oct 16, 2023 09:17 am
UNDP’s Photo Competition for Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience-Building is now open! The theme is “Change makers in action: Building disability inclusive, resilient communities”, to celebrate the 2023 International Day for DRR. 


Beyond disasters: How UNDP is addressing inequality and empowering women with disabilities for a resilient future

By United Nations Development Programme on Oct 13, 2023 05:29 pm
On the 2023 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, UNDP looks at how disasters impact women and girls with disabilities differently, and how the inequalities in society are intensified during and after disasters, creating unequal outcomes. 


Call for submissions: Reflexive, creative, and critical research methodologies in disaster studies

By Emerald Group Publishing Limited on Oct 13, 2023 01:39 pm
Disaster Prevention and Management Journal invites submissions of original research and case studies for a special issue which explores the evolving landscape of research methods following the release of the Disaster Studies Manifesto. 


First-ever global estimation of the impact of disasters on agriculture

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters on Oct 13, 2023 01:33 pm
New FAO report shows that about $3.8 trillion worth of crops and livestock production has been lost over the last 30 years 


What is a strong El Niño? Meteorologists anticipate a big impact in winter 2023, but the forecasts don’t all agree

By Conversation Media Group, the on Oct 13, 2023 01:03 pm
One phrase comes up repeatedly with the projections: a strong El Niño is coming. It sounds ominous. But what does that actually mean? We asked Aaron Levine, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington whose research focuses on El Niño. 


Experts warn of risk of civil unrest in UK due to food shortages

By University of York on Oct 13, 2023 12:13 pm
Food shortages caused by extreme weather could lead to civil unrest in the UK, according to a new study which has surveyed some of the country’s leading food experts. 


How wildfires and weather affect Portugal’s public health

By Eos - AGU on Oct 13, 2023 12:03 pm
Researchers dug into data to examine the effects of wildfires, pollutants, and meteorological factors on mortality and cardiovascular health in the Iberian country. 


Commonwealth finance ministers meet in Marrakesh to tackle overlapping global crises

By Commonwealth Secretariat on Oct 13, 2023 11:57 am
Commonwealth Finance Ministers met today in Marrakesh, Morocco to discuss the reform of the global financial architecture, with particular attention to two pivotal areas, scaling up development finance and addressing debt vulnerabilities. 


Likelihood of hail in Australia has changed substantially over the last four decades

By University of New South Wales on Oct 13, 2023 11:37 am
Understanding how hailstorm frequency has changed over time can help us build resilience against future hail events. 


Enhancing avalanche forecasts: the open avalanche project

By Open Source Initiative on Oct 13, 2023 11:25 am
An avalanche is just a fast-moving mass of snow down a mountain. Sounds simple – but they aren't easy to predict. The Open Avalanche Project aims to reduce avalanche-related deaths using machine learning to enhance the accuracy of avalanche forecasts. 


WMO calls for better monitoring of increasingly erratic water cycle

By World Meteorological Organization on Oct 13, 2023 11:13 am
The hydrological cycle is spinning out of balance as a result of climate change and human activities, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization, which provides an extensive assessment of global water resources. 


Unlocking climate finance for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in coastal Bangladesh

By Climate and Development Knowledge Network on Oct 13, 2023 10:50 am
MSMEs are important components of the economy in coastal regions. Often the primary source of income and employment for local communities, MSMEs are also highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. 


Drought Risk Atlas: Heightened risk threatens the environment and the economy

By European Commission Joint Research Centre on Oct 13, 2023 10:27 am
The European Drought Risk Atlas provides for the first time a comprehensive assessment and mapping of drought risks and impacts in the EU for a global warming of 1.5, 2 and 3 degrees. 


Economic losses from weather- and climate-related extremes in Europe - 8th EAP

By European Environment Agency on Oct 13, 2023 10:15 am
Between 1980 and 2022, weather- and climate-related extremes caused economic losses of assets estimated at EUR 650 billion in the EU Member States, of which EUR 59.4 billion in 2021 and EUR 52.3 billion in 2022. 


Listening to missing voices for more inclusive disaster risk reduction

By Mirianna Budimir on Oct 13, 2023 09:00 am
The voices of marginalized people are often those missing from mainstream data-gathering and decision-making processes. The Missing Voices Approach informs DRR policies and practices by proactively listening to the experiences of marginalized individuals. 


Rivers may not recover from drought for years

By University of California, Riverside on Oct 12, 2023 03:13 pm
Lack of rainfall is not the only measure of drought. New UC Riverside research shows that despite a series of storms, the impact of drought can persist in streams and rivers for up to 3.5 years. 


Strong influence of climate change in uncharacteristic early spring heat in South America

By World Weather Attribution on Oct 12, 2023 03:02 pm
Large parts of South America suffered from extremely high temperatures for an extended period of time, reaching above 40ºC in central and Northern Brazil during mid-September, despite it being the spring season. 


What is seawater intrusion? A hydrogeologist explains the shifting balance between fresh and salt water at the coast

By Conversation Media Group, the on Oct 12, 2023 02:48 pm
Seawater intrusion is the movement of saline water from the ocean or estuaries into freshwater systems. 


Samoan fishing industry feels the impacts of climate change and disasters

By Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Oct 12, 2023 02:30 pm
Samoa’s fishing industry relies exclusively on the weather, so when natural disasters hit, they’re often out of work for large periods of time. 


Stuck to the subway: less privileged people have fewer possibilities to adapt their mobility behaviour to heat

By Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research on Oct 12, 2023 02:06 pm
Extreme heat amplifies social inequalities when it comes to subway usage and mobility in big cities. Researchers found that, especially in New York's low-income areas, subway users had few possibilities to adapt to and mitigate heat by reducing mobility. 


Should the media stop using the term 'natural disaster'?

By Science Media Centre (SMC) Spain on Oct 12, 2023 02:00 pm
Disasters are on the rise, partly because climate change is affecting the frequency and intensity of some of them. The media often use the term 'natural disaster' to describe them, something a team of crisis and disaster specialists is trying to change. 


Fighting a rare “Super El Niño” in Somalia

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters on Oct 12, 2023 12:54 pm
With the looming threat of El Niño expected to affect 1.2 million people in Somalia in 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed a comprehensive, preparedness, anticipatory action and response plan. 


Landslide in Cameroon capital kills at least 30; ministers blame residents for construction in floodplain region

By Down To Earth on Oct 12, 2023 12:53 pm
At least 30 people have died and 20 have been wounded following a landslide that ripped through the Mbangkolo neighbourhood in Cameroon’s capital Yaounde on October 8, 2023. 


“Giving birth to another child is not in my plans anymore”: New UNFPA report finds sexual and reproductive health omitted from most national climate plans

By United Nations Population Fund on Oct 12, 2023 12:31 pm
Only one third of countries have committed to upholding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in their national climate plans, according to new findings by UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. 


World must act on unacceptable failures to protect persons with disabilities from disasters

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Oct 12, 2023 11:55 am
Persons with disabilities face a shocking lack of support to cope with disasters, with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide. The lack of progress could be a violation of international law. 


Empowering tomorrow’s leaders: Girls on the frontlines of flood resilience

By Flood Resilience Portal on Oct 11, 2023 04:33 pm
Plan International, as a member of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, works with young people (17-24 years) to give them a voice in decision-making. They are working in the barangays (communities) to give young people a voice in decision-making. 


Are we running out of water? Water security threatened by droughts and heatwaves worldwide

By EurekAlert on Oct 11, 2023 01:12 pm
Increased demand for water due to global population growth, coupled with the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, endangers our water security. 


New modeling method helps scientists understand extreme heat waves

By National Science Foundation on Oct 11, 2023 12:08 pm
New climate-simulation models may save tens of thousands of lives. 


Scientists gain powerful tool to scrutinize changing U.S. weather patterns

By National Center for Atmospheric Research on Oct 11, 2023 12:02 pm
An extraordinary new dataset of high-resolution weather simulations that span more than four decades over the continental United States is now available to the Earth system science community. 


Disaster risk reduction: Beira, a resilient city for all

By Climate Investment Funds on Oct 11, 2023 11:58 am
In recent years, Beira has made enormous progress in preparing its green and grey infrastructure for natural disasters with support from the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and the World Bank. 


Inundation of Ho Chi Minh City disproportionately impacts least affluent districts

By The Third Pole on Oct 11, 2023 11:49 am
Facing sinking lands, rising seas and intensifying rainfall, low-income and migrant residents of Vietnam’s largest city are on the frontlines of a problem that is outpacing state solutions. 


The likely causes of the 4 October 2023 Sikkim flood disaster

By American Geophysical Union on Oct 11, 2023 11:49 am
The appalling flood in Sikkim in NE India on 4 October 2023 has received less attention than it deserved. 


Words of Resilience: Youth Perspectives on Urban Flood Solutions

By Youth 4 Disaster Risk Reduction on Oct 10, 2023 04:48 pm
Youth4DRR invites youth to submit their essays for the "Words of Resilience: Youth Perspectives on Urban Flood Solutions" essay competition. 


Strong El Nino expected to drive record-breaking global surface temperatures and trigger climate crises in 2023-2024

By Institute of Atmospheric Physics on Oct 10, 2023 02:59 pm
Brace yourselves for a series of climate events of unprecedented magnitude. According to experts, a strong El Nino event is going to wreak havoc on global surface temperature and trigger several climate crises in 2023-2024. 


Glacial lake outburst floods in Alaska and the Himalayas show evolving hazards in a warming world

By Conversation Media Group, the on Oct 10, 2023 02:50 pm
Warming air temperatures are causing glaciers to melt and thin, lowering the walls and therefore accommodating less water. This reduces the total volume of water capacity available and increases the chances of a potential glacial lake outburst flood. 


Climate-driven extreme heat may make parts of Earth too hot for humans

By Pennsylvania State University on Oct 10, 2023 02:39 pm
If global temperatures increase by 1 degree Celsius (C) or more than current levels, each year billions of people will be exposed to heat and humidity so extreme they will be unable to naturally cool themselves. 


Models suggest interlinking rivers in India to meet water demand may adversely impact monsoon rainfall amounts

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Oct 10, 2023 02:30 pm
A team of scientists has found, via modeling, that a plan to interlink rivers in India to capture rain runoff could inadvertently have a negative impact on the amount and location of monsoon rainfall. 


Increase in forest fires may damage the crucial ozone layer

By Lund University on Oct 10, 2023 02:25 pm
After the Australian fires in 2019 and 2020, the concentration of ozone in the Southern Hemisphere fell and ozone holes formed outside the polar region. 


We can replace things, but we can’t replace people: protecting lives through inclusive early warning systems in the Bahamas

By United Nations Development Programme on Oct 10, 2023 02:13 pm
On World Humanitarian Day, learn how UNDP Multi Country Office in Jamaica is supporting The Bahamas in making Early Warning Systems accessible and inclusive of the needs, perspectives and priorities of persons with disabilities. 


Leaving no child behind: how UNDP is promoting equality and resilience through its inclusive tsunami preparedness programme

By United Nations Development Programme on Oct 10, 2023 02:00 pm
UNDP Thailand is working to reduce inequalities among schoolchildren with and without disabilities through the Inclusive Tsunami Preparedness programme and fostering resilience in every child in the face of disasters. 


Climate hazards aren’t restricted by borders – African countries have taken a big step to address this

By Conversation Media Group, the on Oct 10, 2023 01:47 pm
Climate risks can be complex to deal with because they don’t respect country borders. Hazards in one region can have negative repercussions in another. These are known as transboundary climate risks, and they’re a growing concern.



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