the latest community updates In the 14/09/2023 edition

the latest community updates In the 14/09/2023 edition :

Integrating Disaster Risk Data in Policy: the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Annual Conference 2023

By Copernicus Emergency Management Service published on Sep 13, 2023 07:54 pm
Come and learn how data - on droughts, wildfires, floods, emergency mapping, population exposure - from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) operated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre can support a wide range of policies. 


Cambiamenti di Rotta - Climate change theatre action 2023

By World Wide Fund For Nature published on Sep 12, 2023 04:33 pm
Cambiamenti di Rotta – CCTA 2023 aims to inform and raise awareness of the importance of taking action to protect biodiversity and limit global warming. 


Project coordinator

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Sep 12, 2023 04:13 pm
The Project Coordinator will be part of ADPC’s thematic department of Risk Governance. S/he will be involved in the project and administrative coordination of WBCAR with Project Implementation Unit (PIU). This position is located in Bangkok, Thailand. 


Full Stack Developer – RDAS – Regional

By Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia, the published on Sep 12, 2023 04:09 pm
The Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) now invites eligible individual consultant (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. 


Building Bridges for Land! Response to Resilience- 15 Years of Partnership in Disaster Management

By Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction published on Sep 11, 2023 04:11 pm
The G20 Global Land Initiative Coordination Officeof the UN Convention to Combat Desertification proudly presents this edition of BBL, the sixth in the series, is proudly presented in collaboration with PEDRR. 


15th anniversary of the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR)

By Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici published on Sep 11, 2023 03:58 pm
On 13-15 September 2023 a science-policy workshop will celebrate in Bonn the 15th anniversary of the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR). 


CfP 2023 006 Call for Proposals: Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction published on Sep 08, 2023 06:07 pm
CfP 2023 006 Call for Proposals: Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes 


CfP 2023 007 Call for Proposals: Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction published on Sep 08, 2023 06:07 pm
CfP 2023 007 Call for Proposals: Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological and climate extremes 


La résilience climatique, de la sensibilisation à l’action: un webinaire interactif

By InterSectoral Flood Network of Quebec published on Sep 08, 2023 03:37 pm
Au cours de ce webinaire, Patrick Lagadec interrogera les acteurs œuvrant à la gestion des risques afin de connaître leurs ressentis, leurs difficultés et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés. 


Postcolonial Futures for Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia

By Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research - University of Copenhagen published on Sep 08, 2023 12:13 pm
This discussion is guided by a special issue of southasiadisasters.net produced by the speakers, which aims to explore postcolonial futures for disaster risk reduction in South Asia. 


Building resilience: GEM releases new global earthquake hazard and risk products

By Global Earthquake Model Foundation published on Sep 08, 2023 09:14 am
This event will explore seismic hazard and risk modeling advancements and their application to informing risk reduction measures in the field of building safety and land use, enhancing earthquake preparedness, and incentivising risk transfer mechanisms. 


iCARE Manager

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Sep 07, 2023 04:21 pm
Post-iCARE Innovations Fund Launch there is an urgent need for a Manager to oversee the application process, screen the application, and be the focal contact point with the Regional Technical Advisory Group members, Innovators, and the World Bank. 


Global Thematic Dialogue: “Risk management and Addressing climate-induced loss and damage”

By SLYCAN Trust published on Sep 07, 2023 04:17 pm
On August 23rd 2023, the Global Thematic Dialogue marked the initiation of a series of discussions which focused on young individuals within climate-resilient food systems. 


Individual consultant – Full stack developer

By Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia, the published on Sep 07, 2023 03:10 pm
The consulting services (the Services) include an individual consultant – Full Stack Developer –RDAS – Regional who is to support the CARE Component 1 in completing the RDAS.



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