The Community bulletin weekly newsletter In the 02/11/2023 edition

In the 11/02/2023 edition:


Strengthening Disaster Risk Management in Climate Resilience Action

By Climate Investment Funds published on Nov 01, 2023 01:16 pm
The webinar will showcase how CIF has been contributing to crucially important disaster risk management (DRM) through its 15 years of experience under the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) and through its Technical Assistance Facility (TAF). 


United Kingdom Alliance for Disaster Research Annual Conference 2023

By United Kingdom Alliance for Disaster Research published on Nov 01, 2023 01:12 pm
Join us at the UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR) Annual Conference 2023, a unique opportunity for the UKADR community to gather and advance disaster research. 


Project Manager

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Oct 31, 2023 12:27 pm
ADPC is an autonomous international organization established for scientific, educational, developmental, and humanitarian purposes with a vision of safer communities and sustainable development through DRR and climate resilience in Asia and the Pacific. 


Consultant: International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disaster (IPRED)

By United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters published on Oct 31, 2023 09:57 am
UNESCO is seeking an experienced individual consultant to support the activities in collecting seismic codes in the Latin America and Caribbean region and developing a database and draft the database for publication on the UNESCO website. 


The role of emerging technologies in Disaster Risk Reduction: insights from the CORE project and beyond

By CORE consortium published on Oct 30, 2023 01:39 pm
This fourth CORE webinar will look at the topic of ''Emerging Technologies in DRR: Insights from CORE project and beyond''. 


The 4th Silk Cities International conference: Intangible Heritage, Cities and Communities along the Silk Roads and beyond...

By University College London published on Oct 30, 2023 01:02 pm
The Fourth International Silk Cities Conference will foster international dialogues between multiple disciplines related to urban studies, art and humanities, social science as well as disaster management, heritage and migration studies. 


External Relations Officer, P3, Panama City

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean published on Oct 27, 2023 04:15 pm
The position is located in the UNDRR Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, Panama. The External Relations Officer will report to the Deputy Chief of the UNDRR Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean.



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