Prevention Web
  • Dear Hamid Nazari,

    World leaders, diplomats, experts and climate activists came together at Sharm El-Sheikh for the COP27 climate talks over the last two weeks. This special edition features DRR  highlights from COP27.



    Early warnings for all action plan unveiled at COP27

    It will cost just 50 cents per person per year for the next five years to reach everyone on Earth with early warnings against increasingly extreme & dangerous weather, according to a plan unveiled by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

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    World Bank Group launches Global Shield Financing Facility 

    The World Bank Group has announced a Global Shield Financing Facility to help developing countries access more financing for recovery from natural disasters and climate shocks.

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    Champions Group for Deltas & Coastal Areas launched at COP27

    The Dutch ‘Champions Group for Deltas and Coastal Areas’ initiative was launched at COP27 in Egypt. The Champions are a group of countries facing huge challenges due to climate change, resulting in the need for large climate adaptation investments.

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    Sharm El-Sheikh is declared as a Resilience Hub within MCR2030

    During COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh announces its readiness to become inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, contributing directly to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11. 

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    Provisional state of the global climate in 2022

    The report provides an authoritative voice on the current state of the climate using key climate indicators and reporting on extreme events and their impacts. 


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    The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels
    This year’s report finds that a persistent fossil fuel addiction is amplifying the health impacts of the concurrent crises we face. 

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    The good climate finance guide for investing in locally led adaptation

    While there is wide buy-in to the LLA Principles as a framework for guiding the design of adaptation investments, the LLA movement has been collating and analysing examples of the principles in action, to inspire and encourage others to improve their own practice and to join the LLA movement.

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    The coldest year of the rest of their lives: protecting children from the escalating impacts of heatwaves

    The climate crisis is a child rights crisis: Introducing the children’s climate risk index, which provided a picture of children’s exposure to and vulnerability to climate shocks and stresses, showing how climate and environmental shocks are undermining the full spectrum of child rights.

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    Explore our COP27 collection

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