Invitation to participate in free international conference Landslide Scientific Assessment Conference (2022): Landslide Hazard



September 19, 2022

Invitation to participate in free international conference Landslide Scientific Assessment Conference (2022): Landslide Hazard



Professionals, Experts, Hazard/Risk Managers, Academics, Professors, Researchers, Students Geological Survey of Iran (GSI)

Best regards,

The LandScient company, headed by scientific researcher Roberto J. Marín, sponsors a free and open international event called “Landslide Scientific Assessment Conference (2022: Landslide Hazard.” It will be held from October 18 to 20, 2022 (virtual).

The purpose is to promote a space for the dissemination of scientific, academic, and professional knowledge focused on saving lives due to natural hazards (landslides specifically). We extend a cordial invitation to all people related to this entity, to register and actively participate in this event.

International authors who are experts in this subject will present their research articles published in the most important scientific journals worldwide. Here is the list of authors and articles that will be presented: https://landscient.com/conference/#program

We believe that you may be interested in attending this (free) virtual event, so we encourage you to spread the word and register at https://landscient.com/conference/#registration

You can find more information about this event at https://landscient.com/conference/

We look forward to meeting you at the Landslide Scientific Assessment Conference (2022). Blessings,

Roberto J. Marin (Director), E-mail: rjmarin@lanscient.com, rjose.marin@udea.edu.co Civil Engineer, MSc, PhD. Phone: +57 3004163944, www.landscient.com

Roberto J. Marin, BSc., MSc, PhD ■ Landslide Scientific Assessment S.A.S. (LandScient)

https://www.landscient.com E-mail: rjmarin@landscient.com

Nit: 901485549-0 ■ Medellín, Colombia.



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