The News and blogs weekly newsletter

In the 07/25/2023 edition:


Using AI tospeed up vaccine development against Disease X

By Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations on Jul 24, 2023 05:30 pm
CEPI and the Houston Methodist Research Institute, have announced a partnership to combine cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology with established laboratory techniques to speed up development of future vaccines against viral threats 


Exploring themulti-billion-dollar risk to economic activity from climate extremes affectingports

By Oxford University on Jul 24, 2023 04:11 pm
More than $122 billion of economic activity—$81 billion in international trade—is at risk from the impact of extreme climate events, according to new research from Oxford's Environmental Change Institute. 


Bigger, wilder,more destructive: How cold fronts affected the Black Summer bushfires

By University of New South Wales on Jul 24, 2023 04:06 pm
Cold fronts play a role in making bushfires drastically worse—posing a serious concern for future bushfire events. 


New toolmeasures vulnerability to disasters in Europe

By European Commission on Jul 24, 2023 04:00 pm
A new, cross-scale vulnerability indicator, was developed for European disaster risk assessment. The indicator provides insights into regions' susceptibility to disasters at different administrative levels. 


Could mink farmsbe the source of the next flu pandemic?

By Imperial College London on Jul 24, 2023 03:32 pm
Urgent action is needed to address the significant risk posed by fur farms for the emergence of future viral pandemics, Imperial scientists warn. 


The UK is stillnot prepared for extreme temperatures – here’s what it should do

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 24, 2023 01:21 pm
While massive heatwaves are affecting southern Europe, China, the US and many places, it’s rainy and not that warm in the UK. But that doesn’t mean there’s no risk of intense heat: on this exact week last year, the UK broke 40°C for the first time. 


Tuvalu launchesworld-class coastal hazard modelling tool in the face of growing climateimpacts

By United Nations Development Programme - Headquarters on Jul 24, 2023 12:04 pm
In collaboration with the SPC, the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) has handed over to Government of Tuvalu a state-of-the-art online platform which, for the first time, allows the atoll nation to clearly identify, plan for, and reduce risks. 


Long-termchanges in waves and storm surges have not impacted global coastlines

By University of Melbourne on Jul 24, 2023 11:50 am
Changes in ocean wave and storm conditions have not caused long-term impacts on sandy coastlines in the past 30 years, a new study has found. 


Climate scienceis catching up to climate change with predictions that could improve proactiveresponse

By University of California, Santa Barbara on Jul 24, 2023 11:43 am
Science is beginning to catch up with and even get ahead of climate change. UC Santa Barbara climate scientist Chris Funk and co-authors assert that predicting the droughts that cause severe food insecurity in the Eastern Horn of Africa is now possible. 


Chicago StateUniversity to serve as ‘scientific supersite’ to study climate change impact

By Argonne National Laboratory on Jul 24, 2023 11:28 am
Data collected by a U.S. Department of Energy’s Urban Integrated Field Laboratory will help scientists understand climate change in Chicago. 


Global GPSmeasurements indicate observable phase of fault slip two hours before largeearthquakes

By American Association for the Advancement of Science on Jul 24, 2023 11:19 am
By analyzing GPS data from almost 100 large earthquakes worldwide, scientists unearth a potential 2-hour rupture prediction signal. 


Recordtemperatures kindle interest in heat legislation

By Politico on Jul 24, 2023 11:03 am
U.S. lawmakers have introduced a flurry of bills to address heat waves. Extreme conditions may give the measures new momentum. 


Enhancing UrbanResilience: City-to-city Learning in Nepal and Bhutan

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific on Jul 23, 2023 05:08 am
A training-of-trainers on urban resilience and ‘Making Cities Resilient 2030’ (MCR2030) for Nepal and Bhutan took place from 15 to 18 May 2023. 


What happens tothe body in extreme heat? Experts explain the heat wave's dangerous impact.

By CBS News, CBS Corporation on Jul 21, 2023 01:52 pm
Rapid rises in heat gain due to exposure to hotter than average conditions compromises the body's ability to regulate temperature and can result in a cascade of illnesses 


The importanceof data in combatting extreme heat and climate change

By Department of Commerce on Jul 21, 2023 11:29 am
Data is critical to providing information on how climate change affects Americans nationwide. This includes heat. Recently, the Commerce Department’s U.S. Census Bureau released estimates for heat that identifies areas that are socially vulnerable. 


How will extremetemperatures and heatwaves change how we work?

By British Broadcasting Corporation on Jul 21, 2023 11:24 am
As record heat descends across the world, changing weather stands to shake up work as we know it. 


Lessons learnedfrom the tubbs wildfire disaster can help build more climate-resilientinfrastructure

By Homeland Security Today, KMD Media LLC on Jul 21, 2023 11:19 am
Damage from the fires included a combination of thermal degradation (i.e., melting, burning, and pyrolysis) of plastic pipes and/or entry of ash, soot, and other debris into the piping and ancillary equipment during the fire event. 


Caribbeandisaster risk reduction and climate change stakeholders meet in Trinidad andTobago to discuss integrated planning

By Trinidad and Tobago - government on Jul 21, 2023 11:15 am
Disaster risk reduction and climate change stakeholders meet to discuss integrated planning 


New machinelearning-based model boosting Africa’s preparedness and response to climatechange

By Inter Press Service International Association on Jul 21, 2023 11:10 am
Scientists have recently unveiled a first-ever weather forecasting model using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solutions to help vulnerable African countries build resilience to climate impacts. 


The historicalimpact of coastal El Niño in Peru and how local businesses are preparing forthe global El Niño

By Connecting Business initiative on Jul 21, 2023 11:04 am
The passage of El Niño Costero (coastal El Niño) at the beginning of the year in Peru brought with it heavy rains and floods in the north of the country, with the greatest impact in Tumbes, Lambayeque and Piura. 


‘It’s all ourburden’: Poorest women hardest hit by heatwaves in India

By The New Humanitarian on Jul 21, 2023 10:55 am
‘Getting water in this peak heat is even more difficult, especially when I am forced to make water fetching rounds in the afternoon.’ 


New report showsthe potential impact of climate change on flood risk in Europe, with a focus onthe insurance industry

By European Commission Joint Research Centre on Jul 21, 2023 08:40 am
A recent study conducted under the European Union's PESETA IV project explored the potential effects of climate change on river flooding and the associated damage across Europe. 


As heat recordsfall, how hot is too hot for the human body?

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 20, 2023 04:43 pm
Extreme heat has been breaking records across Europe, Asia and North America, with millions of people sweltering in heat and humidity well above “normal” for days on end. 


GeorgetownUniversity launches platform to navigate laws governing the prevention ofinfectious disease emergence worldwide

By Rockefeller Foundation, the on Jul 20, 2023 04:39 pm
Georgetown University announces the launch of Analysis and Mapping of Policies for all Emerging Infectious Diseases, a first-of-its-kind policy platform to enhance preparedness, prevention, and response efforts for emerging infectious diseases. 


One year on fromrecord-breaking 40 degrees heat in the UK and we’re still not prepared

By London School of Economics and Political Science, the on Jul 20, 2023 04:35 pm
A year ago today, on 19 July 2022, the UK experienced record-breaking temperatures that reached over 40°C and the Government declared a national emergency following the Met Office’s first ever issuance of a red ‘extreme heat’ warning. 


Met Office says40C heatwaves could happen more often in stark warning

By The Mirror on Jul 20, 2023 04:27 pm
Temperatures of 40C had never been recorded in the UK until July 19 last year, but they could be appearing as frequently as every three years by 2100, the forecaster has warned 


Q&A: What'scausing the severe Midwestern drought?

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Jul 20, 2023 04:25 pm
This summer, global temperatures soared on July 4, reflecting one of the hottest days recorded on Earth, according to climate data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction. 


Unveiling thestate of pre-arranged financing for crises

By Centre for Disaster Protection on Jul 20, 2023 04:21 pm
The Centre for Disaster Protection is on a mission to prevent disasters from devastating lives by ensuring that countries are better prepared for crises. 


Notes fromTuvalu: Leading the way in adapting to sea-level rise

By United Nations Development Programme - Headquarters on Jul 20, 2023 03:10 pm
In the Pacific Island country of Tuvalu, the sea level has been quietly creeping upwards for years. By 2050, it is estimated that half the capital, Fogafale, will be flooded by tidal waters. 


Climate changeand drought in Northern Kenya

By ZAWYA on Jul 19, 2023 09:13 pm
According to the National Drought Management Authority’s October 2022 report, 4.35 million people are now in need of humanitarian assistance 


As a summer heatwave pummels the US, an expert warns about the dangers of humidity –particularly for toddlers, young athletes and older adults

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 19, 2023 08:40 pm
Because of climate change, summers are getting hotter and more humid – much more humid. 


A climate expertexplains the Northern Hemisphere’s weird, wild summer - and what it means forAustralia

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 19, 2023 08:32 pm
The Northern Hemisphere summer has brought one extreme event after another – from heatwaves to wildfires and floods. It comes as the world likely heads into an El Niño pattern, which brings a higher chance of hot, dry weather in much of Australia. 


Northern Europefaces biggest relative increase in uncomfortable heat and is dangerouslyunprepared – new research

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 19, 2023 08:32 pm
Limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5
is getting harder. A recent UN report even stated that there is now “no credible pathway” to achieve this goal. 


Before thestorm: Using data to predict and manage climate risk

By American City & County on Jul 19, 2023 08:27 pm
In the first five months of 2023 alone, the United States experienced 11 climate disaster events with confirmed losses of over $1 billion each. With June’s severe weather in the south, that number climbed to 12. 


Natural hazardvulnerability shows disproportionate risk

By EurekAlert on Jul 19, 2023 07:20 pm
A fifth of neighborhood blocks in the continental United States most vulnerable to natural disaster account for a quarter of the lower 48 states’ risk, according to a detailed assessment of vulnerability. 


Warming world:How are Europeans staying cool in massive heatwave?

By Christian Science Monitor on Jul 19, 2023 04:35 pm
A heat wave grips the Mediterranean as wildfires hit Spain, Switzerland, and Greece – symptoms of a warming globe. Officials have warned residents and tourists to stay indoors during the day’s hottest hours. 


Simultaneousheatwaves hit northern hemisphere in summer of extremes

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 19, 2023 03:33 pm
Intense heat is gripping large parts of the Northern hemisphere in this summer of extremes. New daily and station temperature records have been broken and it is possible that some national records may fall.  


Heatwaves showimportance of health early warnings and action plans

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 19, 2023 02:42 pm
The World Meteorological Organization is stepping up efforts to strengthen heat-health early warnings and integrated action plans for heatwaves, which are amongst the deadliest natural hazards. 


‘Zombie fires’in the Arctic: Canada’s extreme wildfire season offers a glimpse of new risksin a warmer, drier future

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 19, 2023 02:27 pm
The blanket of wildfire smoke that spread across large parts of the U.S. and Canada in 2023 was a wake-up call, showing what climate change could feel like in the near future for millions of people. 


Brazilian coastis warmer and is having more frequent extreme temperature events, study shows

By Agência FAPESP on Jul 19, 2023 01:25 pm
The Brazilian coast is already suffering from the impact of climate change, with increasingly extreme surface air temperatures and more frequent swings from heat to cold and back. This is one of the results of a new study. 


China andMongolia team up to fight sandstorms

By China Dialogue on Jul 19, 2023 01:12 pm
Mining and climate change are damaging the grasslands that prevent sandstorms. Can greater cooperation help? 


Battling floodsand rebuilding hope in the Kasese District

By Global Resilience Partnership on Jul 19, 2023 01:00 pm
In Kasese District, Uganda, we discover the challenges the community faces as they strive to recover from the devastating impact of heavy rainfall. This is the seventh of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories. 


Buildingresilience in communities, crucial to tackle floods – emergency agency

By Nigeria - government on Jul 18, 2023 04:23 pm
The Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency, Mustapha Habib says building resilience in communities is an essential strategy in tackling floods and other disasters in Nigeria. 


MCR2030 welcomesthree new Resilience Hubs in Latin America

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on Jul 18, 2023 03:43 pm
Barcarena and Porto Alegre in Brazil, and Quito in Ecuador, have become the latest Resilience Hubs of the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) initiative. 


Heat dome deemeddeadliest and among costliest disasters in B.C. history: report

By Black Press Media on Jul 18, 2023 02:46 pm
The 2021 heat dome that killed 619 people cost B.C. $5.5 billion by one measure 


Why areheatwaves getting worse?

By Context on Jul 18, 2023 01:59 pm
Extreme heatwaves like Europe's Cerberus and scorching temperatures in United States and China are causing major health risks 


El Nino andrising temperatures can lead to uptick of malaria in Ethiopia, warns research

By Down To Earth on Jul 18, 2023 01:53 pm
Study finds link between malaria outbreaks and El Nino events in the country 


Forest fires inBritish Columbia are 30 times worse than average, say researchers

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Jul 18, 2023 01:40 pm
This summer has seen a violent outbreak of forest fires across Canada and North America. According to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center (CIFFC), there were 911 active fires across the country on July 13. 


NOAA launchesnew hurricane forecast model as Atlantic season starts strong

By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Jul 18, 2023 10:02 am
NOAA’s National Hurricane Center has a new model to help produce hurricane forecasts this season. The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) was put into operations on June 27 and will run alongside existing models for the 2023 season.



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