The Community bulletin weekly newsletter

In the 04/04/2024 edition:


Vacancy: Analyst Partnerships

By Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure published on Apr 03, 2024 11:11 am
CDRI supports countries to upgrade their systems for ensuring disaster and climate resilience of existing and future infrastructure. This position is being advertised for staff positions on Fixed Term Contract of three (3) years. 


Event: 49th Intensive Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis

By Climate Risk Analysis published on Apr 03, 2024 11:02 am
This Intensive Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis is specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs, who want to learn about an important combination of disciplines (climate change and time series analysis). 


Event: European Urban Resilience Forum 2024

By ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability published on Apr 03, 2024 10:49 am
EURESFO has served as a pivotal European initiative since 2013. Organised by ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and the European Environment Agency (EEA), it has been acting as a unique exchange platform in the field of resilience. 


Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Associate

By University of Arizona published on Apr 03, 2024 10:45 am
The University of Arizona's School of Landscape Architecture and Planning is in search of a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work with the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) program. 


Event: 18th International Geographical Conference on "Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience"

By University of Peshawar published on Apr 03, 2024 09:17 am
The Department of Geography and Geomatics, University of Peshawar has planned to organize the 18th International Geographical Conference on “Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience” from June 7-9, 2024 at Bara Gali Summer Campus. 


Event: SMART Resilient Communities: How can emerging technologies help build community resilience?

By Resilience to Nature's Challenges published on Apr 03, 2024 09:03 am
Explore how technology is contributing to disaster preparedness, response and recovery, how people think and feel about technology in disasters, and how disruptive technology can provide solutions for disaster risk management. 


Event: Climate Risk and Resilience

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Apr 03, 2024 08:59 am
Join this training program and equip yourself with key skills and knowledge to address climate and water-related risks effectively. 


Event: EGU Great Debate Session: Does climate change affect earthquake risks?

By GeoHazards International published on Apr 03, 2024 08:57 am
GeoHazards International (GHI), a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives ahead of disasters, is convening a Great Debate (GDB) session on “Does climate change affect earthquake risks?” 


Event: 2nd UNESCO IOC Global Tsunami Symposium - Two Decades After 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Reflection and the Way Forward

By Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics published on Apr 02, 2024 05:42 pm
The UNESCO-IOC and BMKG have initiatives to hold the UNESCO-IOC Global Tsunami Symposium on the Reflection of the Two Decades Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 Commemoration. 


Event: Locally-led and Community-based Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

By RedR - United Kingdom published on Apr 02, 2024 03:43 pm
Learn about the types and interventions of locally-led adaptation (LLA), and what the benefits of monitoring, evaluating, and learning would be in a LLA project. 


Vacancy: iCARE Manager

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Mar 29, 2024 12:53 pm
Post-iCARE Innovations Fund Launch, there is a need for a Manager to manage the innovations under the project. S/he will be the focal contact point with the Regional Technical Advisory Group members, Innovators, and the World Bank. 


Event: Training Course on Introduction to Disaster Management and Resilient Infrastructure

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Mar 29, 2024 12:51 pm
This course offers skills and knowledge on disaster risk management and adopts a multi-hazard, multi-level, multi-agency and multi-disciplinary approaches for disaster risk reduction and resilient infrastructure. 


Event: Gender and Sexuality in Disaster Risk Reduction

By Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience published on Mar 29, 2024 12:46 pm
Join AIDR and Gender and Disaster Australia for an informative webinar on gender and sexual minorities in disaster risk reduction. 


Event: Finance Innovation Festival: Insurance and Investment Opportunities for Nature-based Solutions

By NATURANCE published on Mar 29, 2024 12:24 pm
The Festival on Insurance and Investment Opportunities for Nature-based Solutions is intended as a venue to bring together various communities around climate risk assessment, policy analysis, financial innovation, and advocacy for nature-based solutions 


Event: Repair and Seismic retrofitting techniques of vernacular houses

By RedR - United Kingdom published on Mar 29, 2024 12:20 pm
Learn how to propose effective strengthening measures for traditional buildings affected by earthquakes. 


Event: Climate Proposal Writing (Face-to-Face Course)

By RedR - United Kingdom published on Mar 29, 2024 12:18 pm
The course aims to support participants to write effective and relevant proposals targeting climate change related interventions and donors. 


Event: Ecosystem-based Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

By RedR - United Kingdom published on Mar 28, 2024 03:46 pm
Develop the skills and knowledge to create a Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) plan to regenerate a degraded environment. 


Event: Water and climate change: Adaptation at the margins

By Stockholm Environment Institute published on Mar 28, 2024 03:37 pm
This hybrid event will explore the social and political barriers to producing, sharing and using climate information and how it should be interpreted, accessed and applied to support marginalised and vulnerable groups. 


Event: ANU Disaster Solutions Professional Short Course

By Australian National University published on Mar 28, 2024 03:32 pm
This Disaster Solutions professional short course provides participants with an understanding of the trajectory of disasters, how Australia and the world are responding to this escalating trend, and the need for going beyond incremental thinking. 


Vacancy: Water Resources Management Expert

By Alluvium Group published on Mar 28, 2024 03:30 pm
Alluvium Group is looking for someone to expand our expertise in water resources management, with a focus on the countries of the Mekong. 


Vacancy: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Expert

By Alluvium Group published on Mar 28, 2024 03:27 pm
Alluvium Group is looking for someone to expand our expertise in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), with a focus on the countries of the Mekong. This includes project management, technical delivery and business development.



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