
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tethyside Orogenic System in Iranian Plateau & The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, approach: Deep Machin Learning

Tethyside Orogenic System in Iranian Plateau & The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, approach: Deep Machin Learning

Workshop The server based integrated geological mapping in Makran area

Workshop The server based integrated geological mapping in Makran area

Geo-archeology seminar-webinar 22 Nov. 2023 10 AM (Tehran time)

Geo-archeology seminar-webinar 22 Nov. 2023 10 AM (Tehran time)

The Community bulletin weekly newsletter In the 09/11/2023 edition

The Community bulletin weekly newsletter In the 09/11/2023 edition



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